Super Hero Test
It's probably a good time to admit we really don't know what books "we're doing next." The process involves playtesting stuff we're...
The JAGS Have-Not Hardcovers Are Available!
The gorgeous JAGS Have-Not books are now available as Print-On-Demand from Amazon. They are gorgeous, solid, and wonderful in every way...
Trying to Create a Big Space Ship
So this might not be the final but it is to the point where I'm ready to move on to something else. The ship is The Preserver of Life--a...
Simulating Battles to Test Abilities / Opponents
This is one of the gauss weapons in JAGS Have-Not, artist rendition. This is the 3d render I did to show what the gun "really" looks...
The Preserver of Life
Part of working on JAGS Space means getting the collateral right. In this case, part of the origin is that a massive spaceship, called...
3D Gaming
I wanted to talk for a second about technology in table-top gaming. There are several (free) tools out there that can do a really...
The JAGS Publishing Process
What you see here is a draft-render of an intra-system pinnace-class small trader (20 tons cargo capacity--see the "standard size...
JAGS Have-Not
We've just published the web-versions of our over-the-top post apocalypse world book(s) for JAGS Have-Not! These are three volumes with...
Coming Soon: JAGS Have-Not
We are on the cusp of release of the revised JAGS Have-Not. This over-the-top post-apocalypse comes in three beautiful volumes. JAGS...
JAGS Wonderland -- Revised
JAGS Wonderland 2.0 It's not news to us that JAGS Wonderland is the best received book we've ever produced--it's far more popular than...